History Glossary

Registration Number: It is the unique number on which a vehicle is registered. This number is written on the number plate of the Indian vehicles. It is also known as RC number

Brand: It specifies the brand or model of the vehicle that is being sold under a marque of a particular manufacturer/make e.g. Swift, City etc.

Date of Registration: It is the date on which the vehicle got registered in the RTO office

Vehicle Age: The Vehicle Age defines how old is the vehicle from the current date

Fuel Type: It is the fuel on which the vehicle runs, e.g. Petrol, CNG etc.

Chassis Number: Chassis number or VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is the unique code given to the vehicle based on various parameters like country of manufacturing, manufacturer, etc.

Engine Number: The serial number of the engine of the vehicle

Vehicle Type: It defines the category of the vehicle. Also called vehicle class, e.g. L.M.V. (Light Motor Vehicle), sedan, hatchback etc.

Registration Authority: The registration office under which the vehicle is being registered

Registration State: The Indian state where a vehicle has been registered.

Owner Serial Number: It is the serial number of ownership of the vehicle. It shows how many times a vehicle has been sold.

Owner Name: The name of the owner on whose name a vehicle has been registered at the RTO

Financing Authority: The company which has financed a vehicle.

Blacklisted: Any vehicle that violates the traffic rule gets backlisted. It the defines the vehicles which have been blacklisted

Blacklisted Reason: The reason for which the vehicle has been blacklisted